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Which Mortgage Program is Best For You?

Mortgage lending is a complicated business. There are literally thousands of pages of regulations that govern this industry, and in accordance with those regulations, the governmental agencies like FHA, VA and  USDA have created programs and guidelines for consumers. What I'm basically trying to say is your average "Joe" is not going to know what mortgage program is best for him and his particular situation simply because it can take years (even decades) to truly understand this world.  That's why you can't base your decision on what your uncle tells you is best, or your buddy up the road. They may can provide what their experience was like, but they can't direct you in what mortgage program is best for you. It's kind of like asking an electrician questions about your plumbing. They may know a thing or two about plumbing, but it's not their area of expertise.  When you are in the market to buy, be sure to work with an actual mortgage professional, one

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